Meet Our Greeters: Boca Raton!

Meet Our Greeters: Boca Raton!

This is a continuation of our series “Meet Our Greeters”. We hope you enjoy getting to know the people and faces behind our greetings!


Today I’ll be chatting with Ivonne Simon, who not only owns the Boca Raton Sign Greeters, but is also the Co-Founder and President of Sign Greeters!



Brutus: What inspired you to start Sign Greeters?


Ivonne Simon: I actually ordered a sign from another company in early April. I happened to be outside when the sign was being picked up, so I complimented and thanked the ladies who had done the sign. They said, “We are so busy that we are turning away business.” I went inside and immediately got on my laptop and started doing research on yard companies and what they provided. Within that week, I connected with Stacie and spoke to her about it. She said, “Why are you looking to go with another company? Let’s start our own!” It was during that time we did our due diligence to learn what other companies were not providing to their licensees or franchise owners. We knew we wanted to create a company that was going to be a “Business in a Box,” so to speak. Our company would provide a robust website, paid searches, and marketing materials and tools for our licensees.



B: What is the most rewarding part of Sign Greeters?


IS: There are so many rewarding parts of Sign Greeters, it’s hard to choose just one! Firstly, I get to work with Stacie each and every day! It’s amazing going through this together, sharing ideas, and watching Sign Greeters consistently evolve. Secondly, it’s the best feeling connecting with customers. Creating custom yard signs for people and knowing how excited they are is incredible. Of course, after installing a sign, the best part is seeing the happy expressions and hearing about everyone’s reactions. It’s complete happiness! I also love meeting prospective licensees throughout the country who are looking to join Sign Greeters. I love speaking with them, getting to know them, and sharing our mission statement and what Sign Greeters offers. Lastly, this has been amazing to do with my husband and two daughters. Everyone helps out and has helped install signs and pick up signs. It’s wonderful to have my whole family be a part of it!



Ivonne and Sign Greeters Co-Founder/CEO Stacie Francombe

B: What’s your number one piece of advice for someone interested in becoming a business owner?


IS: I would say to come into this and be very open to “thinking outside of the box.” It’s always great to brainstorm different ideas. For example, various ways to market locally, best ways to work with your customer, or even coming up with creative ideas for how to install a sign. There are many times a  customer will ask for something incredibly specific, which may not be in that licensee’s inventory yet, or perhaps the client needs the greeting installed or picked up outside of our normal delivery/pick up times. Accommodating the client’s needs and coming up with ways to make it work are important! In addition, it’s wonderful to have our community of Sign Greeters owners constantly in communication with each other, whether to ask for suggestions or share advice and tips. It’s such a happy business and if you’re passionate about it, your clients will feel that energy.


B: What is your favorite thing about living in South Florida? What’s your least favorite?


IS: I love being in South Florida because I grew up here! Most of my family is here and tons of my friends are here. I grew up in Plantation, where we always had holidays with extended family; cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. There was always a birthday or occasion for us to get together and celebrate! I also love the warm weather all year, being able to wear shorts and tank tops year round is pretty great. However, what I like least is the humidity. This definitely brings MANY bad hair days!



B: If you could be any household appliance, which one would you be and why?


IS: I would be a dishwasher because I’m always running and going like crazy!!!






B: What’s your favorite book? What’s the last book you read?


IS: I love to read! I have so many favorite books, but recently have been into authors Liane Moriarty and Elin Hilderbrand. The last book I read was _The Castaways_.



B: Did you learn any new skills at the beginning of “quarantine”?


IS: What I actually learned was how far away we had gotten from the “basics.” Having dinners together as a family, playing boardgames, and watching movies together instead of running around in twenty different directions every day! I learned the importance of slowing down and just appreciating what I have. It’s pretty simple.




B: What’s your favorite meal?


IS: I love Alaskan king crab, but a great piece of fish, chicken parmesan, and mushroom pizza make me happy! Of course, I love desserts and a cookie dough Blizzard from Dairy Queen never disappoints!



B: What’s the biggest challenge you’ve tackled this year?


IS: The biggest challenge has been starting this business! We have not stopped since the day we started talking about it. We still can’t believe quickly we started and how rapidly we started growing. It truly has not stopped! Every day is something new, whether that’s speaking to a potential new licensee or handling a sign order from a brand new customer. It’s exciting and challenging, but we are learning and growing all of the time. 



B: What are you most thankful for this year?


IS: I’m thankful for finding my way to Sign Greeters. This business has been such a blessing! During such a time of uncertainty, it has brought me such happiness every day. I love hearing from my customers, our happy Sign Greeters licensees, and laughing and working with Stacie. It’s been incredible and I can’t wait to see what our future holds. I’m also grateful and thankful to have had a Bat Mitzvah for my daughter Leah this past October. It was such a special occasion and I’m so proud of what she accomplished.






B: If you had a full 24 hours to yourself with no obligations, how would you spend your day?


IS: First, I would head to the beach, find a great spot, and read a book. Then I’d get some fantastic sushi, head to the mall, do some shopping, get a massage, and end with a great dinner overlooking the water with my family and closest friends. After that, going somewhere where we could all dance for the rest of the night!



Ivonne and family at her daughter’s bat mitzvah



If you would like to decorate a yard for someone’s special occasion, please check out all of our locations. We love to decorate for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baby showers, gender reveals, retirements, and all occasions! If you are interested in becoming a Sign Greeters Owner, I would be happy to have my owners touch base. You can check out the details here.

Smiles & Happiness,

Brutus, The Sign Greeters Birdie

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