Happy Birthday, Karen 2022

Happy Birthday, Karen 2022

By |2022-02-23T13:43:06-05:00January 25th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|


It started with an email from Kim, Karen’s sister, who said they wanted to surprise Karen with a sign for her 60th birthday as they could not be with her, and her party had been cancelled due to Covid. She requested wine/cocktail theme and girlie BRIGHT colors! I immediately responded letting her know we could accommodate and will make it spectacular. The night of the install we were trying to figure out how to do it without her hearing her Ring doorbell go off and also leave a door tag, so we came up with a plan. The night of the install we see nothing but windows in front yard but thank goodness the blinds were closed. Karen’s roommate Tonya did a great job keeping her occupied that she didn’t even notice the blinds had been shut! HAHA! When we were almost finished, I see the garage going up and I thought to myself, “Oh no, we’re busted!” NOPE, it was Tonya, who was taking the trash out and wanted to come out and grab the door tag, so nothing was suspicious! She was so excited for Karen to see it that I went ahead and left the solar lights I was using for light, because I knew she was going to bring Karen out after we left and show her! Before I could even get home, I got a text saying that Tonya couldn’t keep the excitement in and she brought Karen outside to surprise her. “Karen was so surprised and absolutely LOVES it! She said she has never seen anything like it before so thank you again so much for all you did. It was over the top thanks to you!” These ladies made my week with their excitement and I’m so happy we could help make Karen’s 60th Birthday something really special!!

They sent me this pic of Karen hiding the “6”…there is no way this gorgeous woman is 60 years young!! She’s rocking it!


If you would like to decorate a yard for someone’s special occasion, please check out all of our locations. We love to decorate for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baby showers, gender reveals, retirements, and all occasions! If you are interested in becoming a Sign Greeters Owner, I would be happy to have my owners touch base. You can check out the details here.

Smiles & Happiness,

Brutus, The Sign Greeters Birdie

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